Exchange with fellow drone flyers and vivid travellers!
Drone flight locations
Have you found the perfect spot to fly your drone?
Share your discovery with other drone flyers!
It's not always easy to find great spots to fly your drone. A drone flight location must fulfil several criteria: Most of all, it must be legally allowed to fly your drone. I suggest to refer to refer to UAV Coach website to check local regulations during your travel. Moreover, you do not want to disturb other travellers by flying your drone close to where they are. Also, you want to make sure the drone signal is strong enough so you can manoeuvre your drone back safely. Sometimes, especially in mountainous terrain, the signal may be weak and the drone may lose connection. Last but not least, you want to fly your drone in a stunning environment to take the greatest drone pictures and drone videos ever.
Drone equipment
What's your experience with different drone models from different manufacturers?
Exchange and share your experience with other drone flyers!
Not every drone model suits everyone's needs and budget. Picture and video quality, as well as the distance a drone can fly vary largely. Also not all features are available on every drone. You may also face some questions or trouble with a certain drone model or wonder if other drone flyers face the same. Please make a post to exchange on those kind of matters.
Drone videos & editing
Which video editing software should you use? How to create stunning drone videos?
Exchange and share your experience with fellow drone flyers!
Not every drone flyer is a video editing geek. But every drone flyer can improve and create stunning drone videos without much required knowledge. Share infos on the video editing software you are using and ask questions if you are unsure which program to use or how to create those mesmerizing drone videos.
Travel tips & itineraries
Have you found the perfect lookout point, the perfect landscape view?
Share you travel and itinerary tips with fellow travellers!
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